Compiling issue.

So, I went to compile my script (which compiled fine before I added a few new lines related to GivePlayerWeapon) and I was met by a blank Pawn Compiler Output, I have had this before but wasn't as determined to get the script done so I just raged and deleted it, however, I am really determined to get this script done. I am, however seeing in the bottom left of the window "File 'TDM.pwn' has been compiled to 'TDM.amx'." which is confusing as when I check in the directory of the compile output the .amx file size is 0kb. I tried running the server to see if it would work, if it was a bug or something, and it relayed the "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format" message.

Pawn Compiler Output

\gamemodes folder

Invalid/Unsupported P-Code samp-server.exe

Any ideas? I'm stumped.

I'll give rep to anyone that (trys to) help

You probably have pure text like 'asdjkadkahdf' somewhere in the script,
something is invalid and didn't give an error because it's more then 1 word.
It could also be something with the opening brackets and closing brackets, go through the latest things you added / removed and make sure everything's alright, good luck

Originally Posted by Ceez
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You probably have pure text like 'asdjkadkahdf' somewhere in the script,
something is invalid and didn't give an error because it's more then 1 word.
It could also be something with the opening brackets and closing brackets, go through the latest things you added / removed and make sure everything's alright, good luck
The compiler won't compile the includes, what i do?

I think that you need to check again your script carefully .

Check the script from the top to the bottom slowly, make sure the { and } are placed at their correct places, make sure you didn't accidently removed a closing bracket or an opening one.

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