Deletion of a dynamic door [MySQL]

When deleting a dynamic door, I want to have the whole column 'doorid' to be reset to 0, then re auto increment every row. Would that be possible?

Well, you have to drop the column and then re-add it. But in general, I would not change the auto_increment values (for safety reasons).
(There is a way do directly change it, can't remember now).

You can do, that the auto_increment value is only an 'internal value', to make sure every row is unique.
Then it doesn't even matter if 'doorid' is 1000000 or 23.

I guess you load the dynamic doors in an array in OnGameModeInit, you can use another ID for the Script (just counting up).

EDIT: Well I think you wont have too many doors that the IDs will go extremely high, also, are there references with other tables?

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