Loop through all user files for vehicleids

Hey im trying to make a cmd so you can Check a vehicle id. And can check if its owned by anyone and if yes who owns it.

Owned vehicle id's are saved in the userfiles. So i thought i had to made a loop but I do not really understannd those loops... Im trying to avoid them.

So if anyone caan help me with this one than please.

Looping through files is highly discouraged because of the intense lag it will create. It is also terribly impractical. I'm not even sure how you keep track of vehicleids. Vehicleids aren't static entities and are subject to change.

If you want to search through tabular data then by all means use SQL.

So you say it's not possible to create such a system without using SQL?

Because the Vehicleids of owned car are stored in the userfiles.

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