LARP Problem

Hey, I just downloaded Sorcheres LARP GM, compiled it to 0.3x, and tried to join, the server shows up and everything, but when I go in it, it just keeps reconnecting, says it cant connect to server and retries, wtf?
Fast help would be awesome! I think its just converting problem or something needs to be updated, but what...

I would say it's an old version script, you need to update all your plugins and that would work I guess.
Hope I helped you with your problem

If someone has time, could you send me the include links for:
#include <core>
#include <float>
#include <time>
#include <file>
#include <utils>
#include <morphinc>
Just if you have free time, and nothing else to do, atleast 1 or so, cant find them myself :S

I uploaded them for you!
Here is the link:

Ask for help regarding specific scripts in the topic you downloaded the script from.

The core, float, time, and file includes all come with the server download package.

Still doesent work, tried both, omfg. What else could cause the problem. Or does anyone have a really high-level RP GM?

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