another irc cmd problem

ok this time the cmd works sort of in a way that everytime you try set set a players admin it sets it to zero not sure y


irccmd_setadmin(conn, channel[], user[], params[])
	#pragma unused params,user,conn
	new playerid;
	new id,string[128],number;
	if(sscanf(params, "ud", id, number)) return IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0],channel, "USAGE: /SETADMINLEVEL [ID / NAME] [0/10]");
	if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0],channel, "This player is offline");
	if(number < 0 || number > 10) return IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0],channel,"ERROR: Invaild Level: [0/10]");
	if(GetInfo(id,"AdminLevel")==number) return IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0],channel, "This player is already administrator with that level");
	format(string,sizeof(string)," IRC Administrator: %s have Set %s his AdministratorLevel to: %d.",AdminName(playerid),AdminName(id),number),SendClientMessageToAll(YELLOW,string);
	return SetInfo(id,"AdminLevel",number);

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