30 players kingj.net server free host

anyone who needs a host for an rp game with a car and house system leave me a message or post on here...
its with kingj.net 30 players atm

i dont need to be an admin but wouldnt mind owning my own car and house..other than that servers yours

What in the world are you saying? RP game with a car and house system.. Ok.. How is that so cool? Every RP server has that. T_____________T

i mean where you own your own cars and houses ect.. ive got a server that i cant do anything with..

We all know exactly what a car/house system is...! It's nothing unique.

Doesn't KingJ have restrictions on doing this, anyways...?

cop i was replying to the chimp.... can you not read mate

i dont see why im getting grief im letting someone have full control for free

i'm fed up of joining a server.. working for cash that i spend on a house thats sold to sum1 else a week later
i would like a house that i knows going to stay mine

I guess he did mean that he's giving away this host for free incase you'll be hosting a RP server.

And in return he wants a free house/car - No need to get the administration status.

yeap thats exactly it is the ip

You're not allowed to advertise, aren't you?!

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