Copyrighting my script

So this guy on skype says he'll host my server and he did indeed have a server so i handed him my half a year work of scripting and he blocked me. Stupid of me but is there a way of copyrighting a script so that there will be a credits in it and if they remove it it wont function? Thanks

Bro can you explain a bit more what do you actually mean or want?

Originally Posted by Nirzor
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Bro can you explain a bit more what do you actually mean or want?
Try reading again.He has explained it well.

Sorry i dont have any idea about it.

Ok trying to read a bit well and I think there is not a way as he stole it.

No, you cannot.

You gave it to him blindly, why do you even send over a .pwn file?

I dont care, he has the script. I cant do anything about it, i just want to prevent this from happening again

Well it is your own fault.

Consult an Intellectual Property attorney to handle it right. It's worth the time and cash.

Your really gonna waste cash for a script? By the time you get the paper work done and spend all that cash, you can code a new script with twice better functions.

PS: You really think saying ' I have copyrights ' to a ten year old will scare them?

Originally Posted by TheChimpJr
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Your really gonna waste cash for a script? By the time you get the paper work done and spend all that cash, you can code a new script with twice better functions.

PS: You really think saying ' I have copyrights ' to a ten year old will scare them?
Even if he'll spend cash - he CANNOT copyright it.

- SA:MP license code.


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