A Little Help for coding my command /derby

Hi for all.

First of all let me introduce myself: I am Darkmirages, I love sa-mp and everything that is part of this fantastic multiplayer

I would try to make a /derby with spawn different and the same is true for the machines, now I give you the codes:
Derby CMD:
if (strcmp("/derby", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
	  Derby = true; // it is only a bool that says the player is in derby or not
          new vehicle1234;
          new randDD = random(sizeof(RandomDerby));
	  new randDDC = random(sizeof(RandomDerbyCar));
          SetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicle1234,"R.S. Derby");
                return 1;
RandomDerby Float Function:
new Float:RandomDerby[][] =
RandomDerbyCar Float Function:
new Float:RandomDerbyCar[][] =
Where I'm wrong? what is or what are my mistakes? I hope that you know how to solve them ...

Thanks for reading

SetPlayerPos search it on ****** i would do it for u but im on my phone

check this

pawn Код:
new randderby = random(sizeof(RandomDerby));
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, RandomDerby[rand][0], RandomDerby[rand][1], RandomDerby[rand][2]);
        SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, RandomDerby[3]);
and do the same in the vehicle part.

What is not working...?
I'm not sure but I think derby has an interior, so you need to change the vehicle interior and the player interior?

You are identifying the information in the arrays as float values, but you're making them strings by adding the quotation marks. The correct way would be this:

pawn Код:
new Float:RandomDerby[][] =
And as for the other one, remove the quotation marks and get rid of the Float: tag. I didn't look at the other code though, but I believe someone gave you a working piece.

Thanks for RealCop228, problem resolved, close this topic please

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