Is This Posible

pawn Код:
CMD:enter(playerid, params[])
    //some type of return
//later or possibly on a different filter script
CMD:enter(playerid, parmas[])
    //some type of return
well the title says it all

Why exactly do you have two of the same command? This is not possible, as the second enter command will never be reached (only the first one, then it will return).

You could do:
pawn Код:
CMD:enter(playerid, params[]){    //code      
        //code here
        return 1;
   else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)
        return 1;
That is assuming you just want them as different area's to enter. If not, what exactly do you want two for?


I know I was just checking if this was possible

No, sorry, it will never get past the first enter command's return... UNLESS you:

1. Don't have a return at the end of the first enter command.
2. Have a return at the end of the second enter command.
3. Have the second enter command directly after the first one.

However, in which case it would be neater just to have it as one command. More or less because it would be reading both enter commands, starting with the first one.

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