Pawn error ! U - RP !

I have 9 warning and 4 error in this pawn, this is U-RP GM !
(232) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "MAX_ROADBLOCKS")
(8969) : warning 219: local variable "idx" shadows a variable at a preceding level
(8999) : warning 219: local variable "idx" shadows a variable at a preceding level
(24798) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
(24798) : warning 215: expression has no effect
(24798) : warning 215: expression has no effect
(24798) : warning 215: expression has no effect
(24798) : warning 215: expression has no effect
(24798) : warning 215: expression has no effect
(24798) : warning 215: expression has no effect
(24798) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
(24798) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
(24798) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
line 24798 - 24805
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 2, 3942, "bistro", "ahoodfence2", 0);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 4, 16016, "des_n", "ranchwall1", 0);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 5, 16005, "des_stownmain2", "des_redslats", 0);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 6, 964, "cj_crate_will", "CJ_FLIGHT_CASE", 0);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 7, 16021, "des_geyser", "shingles1", 0);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 8, 16005, "des_stownmain2", "sanruf", 0);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(BancoLS, 9, 6295, "lawland2", "lightglass", 0);
	SetObjectMaterialText(Cartelbanco, "Los Santos Bank", 0, 40, "Arial Black", 20, 1, -65536, 0, 1);
line 232
#define MAX_ROADBLOCKS 1000
line 8969
new idx = 1;
Help me !
Sorry because my english!

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