Help regarding Invoke.

Hey there.

I'm trying to work out a way to include MySQL into my gamemode, so I'm using the Invoke from Incognito, however I've added everything from BlueGs plugin, to use callNative, however for whatever reason, mysql_query will not work.

For anyone who's not familiar with Invoke, it has two sections, one is like "mysql_query", then the other is:

pawn Code:
static const Native mysql_query = { "mysql_query", "siii" };
However it returns some strange error saying:
Error: namespace "PAWN" has no member "mysql_query" Although in Invoke.h it is clearly there, and when I enter the declaration or definition it takes me straight to it.

Any ideas on why this isn't working?

I understand this isn't a C++ support forum, however it is still to do with Invoke.

Use this site for C++ and other languages help, they can help you more.

You must call once every function which you use with Invoke. This was done?

E: Sorry, delete this post. Anyway what about add function to ZeeX GDK? This is lot of faster than invoke.

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