[Tutorial] [BEGINNER] Simple Commands & Functions

Simple Commands & Functions
Client & Server

Before you decide you want to script for your server, Make sure you have the latest server files from here: www.sa-mp.com/download.php and make sure your client is up to date too (Currently 0.3x is the latest).


So, Make sure to have opened your server folder and have opened a program called 'Pawno'. Pawno is a complex scripting program used by mainly SA-MP scripters for handling and editing their server. Some people are obviously on different levels of expertise than others on scripting, So therefore this is a starters guide for those who may need help.

Simple Command

So, Under:

    return 1;
Write a function, Telling the program to send a message to a specific player, So start off with the function, Like so:

The above function declares to the program to send a message, But you have not specified a player (Target), So lets do that now:

    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFF, "Replace me");
And voila!

Lets get that straight.

   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFF, "Replace me");

   [The Function][Open Bracket][Target][comma][The colour][comma][speech marks][Text][speech marks][Close      bracket][Semi Colon]
That is a simple SendClientMessage function. All it does is send a message to the player who types the command in, The full command is below:

if (strcmp("/mycommand", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFF, "Replace me");
		return 1;

I hope that this will help those beginners to understand the meaning of "scripting" and now have a bit of knowledge about functions and declarations. More tutorials will be posted soon. Need help? PM me.

You are welcome to give me any feedback

You should really add some more commands.

Why are beginners supposed to start with the oldest and - in most cases - slowest methods? Either teach the current methods or don't make a topic at all. Sorry to be harsh, but it needs to be said.

I assume you are knowledgeable on this subject, so please tell me what the 10 symbolizes in this line:
pawn Code:
if (strcmp("/mycommand", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
@Beneath me: Thank you, but I was awaiting a response from the OP. If he doesn't (or didn't) know what it is for then he's not knowledgeable on the subject and therefore shouldn't have made a tutorial.

I believe that '10' is the number of characters the command has (includes the slash). If the command was /kill, it'd be:

pawn Code:
if (strcmp("/kill", cmdtext, true, 5) == 0)
Not sure If I am correct though, I'm a beginner.

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