WiFi Teleconnections

While doing networking over my WiFi recently we keep spiking and end up getting DCed. Our internet is very well (in my opinion). This has been occurring alot recently and has gotten rather annoying. Anyone have any idea what it might be?

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Connected via wired or wireless? Run "ping -t routerip -t" and watch for any lost packets. (like ping -t)

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Connected via wired or wireless? Run "ping -t routerip -t" and watch for any lost packets. (like ping -t)
Interesting. It only does it every once in awhile.

Thats usually a noisy connection, the router then renews the connection to get a better signal, when the dsl connection got a high packetloss.
Could also be a broken router, but thats hard to check if you got no second router.
All router problems I encountered so far were caused by one of these two problems.

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