Create a unique weapon system, so please help me ...

Hello to you my friends,

I'm French so I get in contact with you today is because I need help I can not find in France ...

Here I want to know how to create something that might just ... I'm beginning if it was possible that something makes me basic script or what I'm doing after.

So I want to know how to create a system of "unique" weapon, every weapon create is unique, with a serial number or other. Of course, that after each disconnections weapon is still present on the character if he had on him, and once finished the ammunition the weapon does not disappear, so faura buy ammunition for the gun shop the gun working again.

Sorry for my English I use a translator, I really ask you to help me ... I could not find anyone in France who can or want to do ... This is a very special request, but I will help begs me.

I thanked you in advance, Regards,

up thx

It's pretty easy, the thing of the serial code you have to make a variable for example pSerial, then the thing of the weapons in your hand you have to check if the player has 1 or more bullets in his weapon if he doesnt have them add a attachedobject (SetPlayerAttachedObject) and then if they want to have more bullets they will have to go to the ammunation and buy a box of bullets then if they put a command for example /reload give them the quantity of bullets they bought.

Up help

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