07.06.2013, 20:11
I was looking through this server forum, and I found this hilarious unban appeal. Here it is:
Also, dps means donation points.
I was looking through this server forum, and I found this hilarious unban appeal. Here it is:
SA-MP Name: uzybuzy Ban Reason: Scamming Date of Ban: 2013-06-03 Ban type: permanent Unban Date: NEVER Defence: Hey guys . I didnt really scam. My house got robbed and the guys who robbed it in real life know the game and they forced me to scam dps to give them the dps. So on teamspeak they were making me lie to Energ and if i had said something wrong they would slit my throught open. (there was a knife right next to my throught). So then my they heard the cops because my bro's ("deatheyes") girlfriend was hiding in the closet and rang 999 and called the cops, so the robbers heard the cops and dropped the knife. And because my bro (deatheyes) has loads of kickboxing championships they got scared so he started to knock the crapt out of them and there it ended, luckily he didnt get arrested. He appoligised to Energ on teamspeak and there it ended it stopped there. |