DDoS shields

Does anyone have experience with DDoS shiled services, such as:


Can this actually work efficiently against DDoS? Are there any problems with false positive detections of DDoS attacks? I'm currently thinking of using one of these services to protect my server against DDoS.

Snake oil, and $99/mo against 5Gbit? I've seen higher attacks...thats a waste of money.

If someone wants you off the internet, they're going to take you off the internet. Those two examples you posted are pretty indicative of someone trying to take advantage of the market. Thats an outrageous amount of money to spend on something like that.

Alright, thanks for the advice.

I would not even try it.

Yeah, now adays people are pulling 20GBs DDOS attacks with their VPS hosted in datacenters. It's ridiculous.

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