Embedded loops and chunk IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint checking, better way?

so far I have a for loop ( connected players ) checking while less than 100, 100 positions of IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, there was a math plugin for raw math calculations, but there must be a better way to do this loop.

It's really poor way to do it, your better off using Dynamic areas which can often avoid having to use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint() all together as well as timers.

you need a loop better than for loop?
foreach by ******

That's why I as asking Pottus, think I could use 100 dynamic areas? What are dynamic areas.. all I know is I'd rather not have to check 100 rangeofpoints for only.. 4 meter radius'

Originally Posted by Abhishek.
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you need a loop better than for loop?
foreach by ******
Read what I said, IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint() is almost always a bad approach.

Dynamic areas are part of Incognito's streamer plugin


I made this to organize your areas or checkpoints into macro functions. You won't need this but it can save you a lot of code/organizing in the long run.


well pottus i dont get what you want to say to him
as if i think you just say him that he should'nt check wheather a player is near a point but insted that he is in an dyanamic area what a whole 3D area for just a point like a cp or pickup
or maybe i am wrong
i am sorry then

Thanks Pottus

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