[Plugin] Teamspeak Connector

public TSC_OnClientConnect(clientid, nickname[])
	TSC_PokeClient(clientid, "Welcome!");
	TSC_SendClientMessage(clientid, "Welcome!");
	return 1;
It does not work. When I connect it does not perform this function. I use local sorver on my pc...

The plugin doesn't support Russian letters, perhaps fix it .

PHP код:
TSC_SendClientMessage(TSC_GetClientIdByUid("K+fJTkRtARxyUJczCELIxGBvI9Q="), "привет"); 
PHP код:
ID1538 Texterror while executing "sendtextmessage targetmode=1 target=1 msg=привет"invalid parameter 

I not can make the connection , someone can help me ?

nice.. but,
how to make TeamSpeak3 Server in my linux Virtual Server?

So umm I'm deciding to use your plugin. So what we have is that we have a channel command. Whenever someone uses /channel 1, it automatically gives out a message saying "example has switched to channel 1" Can you help me integrate it within the script, so that when ever someone uses /channel 1, he automatically gets switched to channel 1. I need complete steps please.

if(Voip[playerid] == false) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"You have not activated your Voip label. (Hint: /channel on)");
	Update3DTextLabelText(voiplabel[playerid], 0xE91616FF, "Channel: 1");
	SendNearbyMessage(playerid, 20.0, 0xE91616FF, "**%s Has switched to the channel 1.**", ReturnName(playerid, 0), params);

anyone can give me an example for this ?
i want to add a command in gamemode like /ts3 , when player used this command he connect automatically to teamspeak server .

+ i want to send a teamspeak private message for player who used /buylevel in samp server .
what i must to do ?

How can I get client name by his id or his id by name and how to get client server group?

Can anyone help me? the plugin doesn't load, because my VPS is Windows Server x64, how can i use it?

Is there a possibility to check the channel group of a client when he isn't in the channel? When i set the channel group at login, there is no check ability, so i just can do TSC_SetClientChannelGroup, but the client will always get settet again to the group every login, even if he already is in it, its pretty disturbing...

Originally Posted by Kegy5
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Is there a possibility to check the channel group of a client when he isn't in the channel? When i set the channel group at login, there is no check ability, so i just can do TSC_SetClientChannelGroup, but the client will always get settet again to the group every login, even if he already is in it, its pretty disturbing...
No, but you can check if a client already has the group id set before actually setting it:
const MY_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID = 123;
const MY_CHANNEL_ID = 321;

// ...

new channelid = TSC_GetClientChannelId(clientid);
TSC_QueryClientData(clientid, CLIENT_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID, "OnChannelGroupRetrieved", "dd", clientid, channelid);

// ...

public OnChannelGroupRetrieved(clientid, channelid)
	new channel_group_id = TSC_GetQueriedDataAsInt();
	if (channelid == MY_CHANNEL_ID && channel_group_id != MY_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID)
		TSC_SetClientChannelGroup(clientid, MY_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID, channelid);

Originally Posted by maddinat0r
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No, but you can check if a client already has the group id set before actually setting it:
const MY_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID = 123;
const MY_CHANNEL_ID = 321;

// ...

new channelid = TSC_GetClientChannelId(clientid);
TSC_QueryClientData(clientid, CLIENT_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID, "OnChannelGroupRetrieved", "dd", clientid, channelid);

// ...

public OnChannelGroupRetrieved(clientid, channelid)
	new channel_group_id = TSC_GetQueriedDataAsInt();
	if (channelid == MY_CHANNEL_ID && channel_group_id != MY_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID)
		TSC_SetClientChannelGroup(clientid, MY_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID, channelid);
The problem is, the client need to be in the channel, i would like to check without that the client need to be there

Ok, it works, changed a few things and now is all fine.

i am gonna try this

Cool +REP

how is the command established: TSC_MoveClient

[TS3Bot Error 2]error while reading: End of file

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