A weird hack on the computer

Hello guys, now today two friends of mine were on Skype and I was there with them in the same call and then an argument started between them and then one of them said to the other "From today, you won't find your internet and told him to see his connection after one minute, I will cut it off" and yes he disconnected his internet then he enabled the connection again ! And he did this a few times and I don't know what happened to my friend and he can't live without the internet (Indeed everyone knows this feeling), so he tried to contact his ISP, but they're closed, so does anyone know what did he do and how did he enable and disable his internet that way ?!

Might be a trojan he attached to a file he sent earlier to your friend.(possibly it's this)
or he's dossing his ip/connection(doubt this as I don't think he'd have enough connection left afterwards for him and doubt he got that much of an upload rate, this would only be possible if he had a botnetwork and would ddos him.(very doubtable)

I just guess he fell for a trojan by his friend.

Thanks for your reply and I got it now from him, he said he DDosed him, but how can my friend protect himself or do anything for defense ?

There are some ways to "tank" a DDoS attack, but you can't completely stop it (unless he knows how to change his IP).

You mean dynamic IP's ?

There is a website out there which can give out peoples IP for you to DDoS.
The worst thing is that some servers on sa-mp displays someones IP after they've been banned and encourages people to DDoS them.

Thank you for the reply MaDK1LLA, but it's not on websites. He hacked the computer immediately or when he wants anyway, so obviously, it's not a website as you stated above, he did it on his own, can this issue get him jailed ?!

Not sure if DDoS or virus. Does it say 'disconnected from internet' or 'cannot connect' or what?

Due to how Skype connects to other users, you can easily get someone's IP - & DDoS them.

Your friend should report the DDoS'er to his own ISP, the ISP of his friend & maybe even the police. Then he'll see who will keep their internet eventually :>

Originally Posted by saiberfun
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Might be a trojan he attached to a file he sent earlier to your friend.(possibly it's this)
or he's dossing his ip/connection(doubt this as I don't think he'd have enough connection left afterwards for him and doubt he got that much of an upload rate, this would only be possible if he had a botnetwork and would ddos him.(very doubtable)

I just guess he fell for a trojan by his friend.
There are websites that sell "booters" or "stressers" for a very low amount. With this you basically have access to a botnet easily capable of overloading someones home connection. Like this, there are very little traces back to the actual person doing it. It's a growing problem and I don't think theres an easy way to solve it, not with how the internet currently is. (and IMHO should be).

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