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new MoneyINT = floatround(MoneyFLOAT, floatround_round);
Posts: 12
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Joined: May 2013
changes nothing
Floatround_floor is what I need aswell.
The fractal part needs to be rounded aswell but the float define I'm using in the first float round destroys that float and makes it 0.0000 - ****** trans
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Joined: Aug 2011
Okay I dont know the anser to this question either, however I can tell you both your asnwers are wrong; Dragony is just rewiting what he has already done or he would get Tag Mismatch Warnings, which I'm guessing he would have notified us of. The second part where you change his "Method":
floatround_round (The Deafult call, if the number is aboce 0.5 it rounds up.. if it isn't it rppunds down.)
floatround_floor (This always rounds down as he is trying to calculate the pounds, if you have Ј8.50 you dont get Ј9, it must stay at 8 as the pence is calulated below.)
As for the second answer his code is perfectly fine, you do not beed to multiply the floats which is what Floatmul does, floatmul is now useless as you can now also times floats with the * symbol.
My verdict:
I think there is nothing wrong with your code as you have stated no errors, and that the function by default destroys the float it takes the information from. I do not however know this as I rerely use this function in everyday SAMP. If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will come to your aid.