/stats problem

Hello guys, here is my stats picture, it's bugged when i do like that. .please help fast

pawn Code:
new coordsstring[700],coordsstringA[700],coordsstringB[700],coordsstringC[700],coordsstringD[700],coordsstringE[700],coordsstringF[700],coordsstringG[700],coordsstringH[128],coordsstringI[128],coordsstringJ[128];
        format(coordsstringA, sizeof(coordsstringA),"%s | {00CCFF}Level{FFFFFF} %d | %s | {00CCFF}Age{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Total wealth{FFFFFF}: $%d | {00CCFF}Playing hours{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Phone number{FFFFFF}: %s | {00CCFF}Warnings{FFFFFF}: %d",GetPlayerNameEx(targetid), level, sext, age, totalwealth, ptime, pnumber, warns);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,coordsstringA);
        format(coordsstringB, sizeof(coordsstringB), "{00CCFF}Cash{FFFFFF}: $%d | {00CCFF}Bank balance{FFFFFF}: $%d | {00CCFF}Upgrade points{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Spawn armor{FFFFFF}: %.0f | {00CCFF}Next level{FFFFFF}: %d/%d hours ($%d)", cash, account, upgradep, shealth, exp, expamount, costlevel);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1,coordsstringB);
        format(coordsstringC, sizeof(coordsstringC), "%s: %s | {00CCFF}Rank{FFFFFF}: %s (%d) | {00CCFF}Division{FFFFFF}: %s | {00CCFF}Job(FFFFFF}: %s (level: %d) | {00CCFF}Job 2{FFFFFF}: %s (level: %d)", facfam, employer, rank, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRank], division, jtext,jlevel,jtext2, jlevel2);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,coordsstringC);
        format(coordsstringD, sizeof(coordsstringD), "{00CCFF}Crimes{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Arrests{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Insurance(FFFFFF}: %s | {00CCFF}Wanted level{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Health{FFFFFF}: %.1f | {00CCFF}Armor{FFFFFF}: %.1f | {00CCFF}Paintball Tokens{FFFFFF}: %d",crimes,arrests,insur, wanted, health, armor, ptokens);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1,coordsstringD);
        format(coordsstringE, sizeof(coordsstringE), "{00CCFF}Married to{FFFFFF}: %s | {00CCFF}Biggest fish{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Pot{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Crack{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Packages{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Crates{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Radio frequency{FFFFFF}: %d khz",married,bigfish,pot,crack,packages,crates, radiofreq);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,coordsstringE);
        format(coordsstringF, sizeof(coordsstringF), "{00CCFF}Materials{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Rope{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Cigars{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Sprunk{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Spray{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Screwdrivers{FFFFFF}: %d | {FF00FF}VIP tokens{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Checks{FFFFFF}: %d | {FF00FF}VIP{FFFFFF}: %s",mats,rope,cigars,sprunk,spray, PlayerInfo[targetid][pScrewdriver],tokens,checks,drank);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1,coordsstringF);
        format(coordsstringG, sizeof(coordsstringG), "{00CCFF}ADMutes{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}NMutes{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}RMutes{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Weapons Restricted{FFFFFF}: %d | {00CCFF}Gang Warns{FFFFFF}: %d", admutes, nmutes, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRMutedTotal],PlayerInfo[targetid][pWRestricted], PlayerInfo[targetid][pGangWarn]);
        SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1,coordsstringG);

The line input is too long

How can i fixed it?

{00CCFF} color embedding remove give Only One color Example "0xFFA500FF" for orange

SendClientMessageEx(playerid, 0xFFA500FF,coordsstringG);

I hope that it should be work

Originally Posted by VishvaJeet
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{00CCFF} color embedding remove give Only One color Example "0xFFA500FF" for orange

SendClientMessageEx(playerid, 0xFFA500FF,coordsstringG);

I hope that it should be work
LOL.. I mean i want like that

Level: 8

Anyone have any ideas?

Are you trying to fix the fact that the line is too long or are you trying to fix your color embedding? Or both? Anyways, post the full code. You've only posted part of it.

Originally Posted by RevolutionaryGaming
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post the full code. You've only posted part of it.
What the hell you talking about? That is full codes

Edit: I got the issue, will post a fixed script as soon as i get home.

Why do you have SendClientMessageEx?

Originally Posted by Goldilox
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Edit: I got the issue, will post a fixed script as soon as i get home.

Why do you have SendClientMessageEx?
What should i do?

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