[FilterScript] Avanced Vehicle System Edited

AVS - Advanced Vehicle System
  • Dynamic vehicles - add/edit in-game
  • Ownable vehicles - tune, park, sell to other players, edit license plate
  • Dynamic vehicle dealerships - add/edit in-game
  • Fuel system
  • Dynamic fuel stations - add/edit in-game
  • Full vehicle control - engine, lights, lock, alarm, trunk
  • Vehicle trunk - store weapons (5 slots)
  • Vehicle mods/paintjob saves
  • Vehicle tracking system - see where your vehicle is on your minimap

/avshelp - access all the commands available

Player commands:
/v  /vlock  /fix  /flip  /tow  /eject  /ejectall
/valarm  /fuel  /trunk  /kph  /mph  /clearmods  /sellv  /givecarkeys  /trackcar
Admin commands:
/addv  /editv  /setfuel  /rac (respawnallcars)  /rtc (respawnthiscar)
/adddealership  /deletedealership  /movedealership  /gotodealership
/addfuelstation  /deletefuelstation  /movefuelstation  /gotofuelstation

1. Download avs.amx file and put it to your server filterscripts folder
2. Add it to server.cfg

filterscripts avs
3. Create these folders to scriptfiles

4. Change the settings in the avs.pwn script (if you want)

pawn Code:

#define MAX_PLAYERS 100

#define MAX_DVEHICLES 200

#define VEHICLE_FILE_PATH "AVS/Vehicles/"
#define DEALERSHIP_FILE_PATH "AVS/Dealerships/"
#define FUEL_STATION_FILE_PATH "AVS/FuelStations/"

#define FUEL_PRICE 5
#define GAS_CAN_PRICE 500
#define ALARM_TIME 10000  // alarm duration in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds)

5. Link this FS with your admin system (if you want)

Just add this function to the admin script

pawn Code:
public GetPlayerAVSAdmin(playerid)
    return PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin];
You must use YOUR admin system variable. PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] is just EXAMPLE.


You need at least SA-MP 0.3c R3 server - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=271586

If you want to restart your gamemode (gmx), first unload AVS, restart the gamemode and then load AVS again. Else your vehicles might be bugged.

Common Problems

P: Nothing happens when I click a button in dialog.
S: This is most likely caused by ANOTHER filterscript. Quick fix for it is to remove all other filterscripts from server.cfg and try then. If you want to keep them, you must EDIT OTHER FILTERSCRIPTS and make sure the LAST return in OnDialogResponse is 0.

P: I can drive with engine off.
S: Use ManualVehicleEngineAndLights in your GAMEMODE script - https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/ManualVehicleEngineAndLights

P: I can drive with a dealership vehicle.
S: Admins can drive them, so if you are admin, there is nothing wrong.

P: Server shuts down after adding a vehicle, dealership or fuel station.
S: Make sure you have created the AVS folder inside scriptfiles and also another 3 folders inside AVS (shown above in Installing section step 3)

P: Money doesn't decrease when I buy a vehicle.
S: You are probably using a server-side money for anti-cheat purposes. There is no simple fix for it. You need some scripting knowledge to hook AVS money functions with server-side script.


****** - sscanf
ZeeX - zcmd
MadeMan - Original Script and This Tutorial page, The Whole script
Kevin - Removing fuel system (not the whole thing, just some distracting parts), and the stats bar, and fixing few typos

Links: http://www.upload.ee/files/2716271/AVS.zip.html

Any comments or error reports?

Do you even have permission to upload this fs ?

The stats bar is the textdraw right?

Originally Posted by x96664
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Do you even have permission to upload this fs ?
I believe i do as long I give credits

@Uberan Yes I believe its the textdraw I disabled for the car stats but I did it along time ago I don't remember precisely if you want I can check the file again.

Your filter-script seems like a Next Generation Gaming script dub release. Anyways, on-topic very interesting.


What did you add? The word count on the original topic is greater than the word count on this topic. Hence the title, did you edit it and remove stuff? Because that's not an improvement or whatnot.

I don't see much difference whatsoever, and nowhere on the original topic does it say you can rerelease that filterscript with your own tweaks and edits.

Before posting, read the forum rules and have some common sense. At the moment this topic looks like the original and the original topic looks like the updated version of this. If it's an advanced vehicle system, why have you removed stuff? Lol...


Originally Posted by DanishHaq
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What did you add? The word count on the original topic is greater than the word count on this topic. Hence the title, did you edit it and remove stuff? Because that's not an improvement or whatnot.

I don't see much difference whatsoever, and nowhere on the original topic does it say you can rerelease that filterscript with your own tweaks and edits.

Before posting, read the forum rules and have some common sense. At the moment this topic looks like the original and the original topic looks like the updated version of this. If it's an advanced vehicle system, why have you removed stuff? Lol...

The original one has been edited since last year, I never edited this since, did you even see the OG thread when it was first released?

And I have listed credits, which is perfectly fine, and there were 600+ downloads and people still uses it, one person won't bring it down . And if you want I can start editing this and change it completely and add many more lines of codes with more functions. Also never said its updated, revised, in other words edited to change few functions. (Known mostly as Nightly Build)

i get a big crash on my server when i type /addealership .. Why ?>

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