[Help] pawno is not responding

this is the code i try to compile
#include < a_samp >
#define MAX_MINIGUNS 10000
#define MAX_PLAYERS 100
#define PRESSED(%0) \
	(((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0)))
	dinmgun[ MAX_MINIGUNS ]
	,minigunnum = 0
	,vehhasminigun[ MAX_VEHICLES ]
	,dinlaser[ MAX_PLAYERS ]


for( new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; ++i )
		new model = GetVehicleModel( i );
		if( model == 473 )
		    if( vehhasminigun[ i ] == 0 )
		        vehhasminigun[ i ] = 1;
		        dinmgun[ dinminigunnum ] = CreateObject( 2985, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
				AttachObjectToVehicle( dinmgun[ dinminigunnum ], i, 0.000000, 1.289999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90); //Object Model: 2985 |
				minigunnum ++;

PUB:destroy( i )
	DestroyObject( dinlaser[ i ] );

	return 1;

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
    new vehid = GetPLayerVehicleID(playerid);
	new model = GetVehicleModel(vehid);
	if(pressed(KEY_FIRE) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && vehhasminigun[vehid])
		if(model == 473)
			dinlaser[ i ] = CreateObject( 19084, 0.75, 3.84, 0.86, 0.00, 0.00, 92.61 );
    		AttachObjectToVehicle( dinlaser[ i ], vehicleid, -0.014999, 1.289999, 1.129999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90); //Object Model: 19084 |
    		PlayerPlaySound( i, 1135, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    		SetTimerEx( "destroy", 250, 0, "i", i );

			GetPlayerPos( i, x2, y2, z );
			#pragma unused x2
			#pragma unused y2
			GetXYInFrontOfPlayer( i, x, y, 5.0 );
			for( new u = 0; u < MAX_PLAYERS; ++u )
				if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( u, 6.0, x, y, z ) && u != i )
			    	if( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( u ) )
                        GetPlayerHealth( u, hp );
                        SetPlayerHealth( u, hp - 20 );
                        GetPlayerHealth( u, hp2 );
                        PlayerPlaySound( u, 1135, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
                    if( hp2 < 1 )CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeath", "ddd", u, i, 38 );
                        veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(u);
                        GetVehicleHealth( veh, hp );
                        SetVehicleHealth( veh, hp - 150 );
                        GetPlayerHealth( u, hp2 );
                        PlayerPlaySound( u, 1135, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
                        if( hp2 < 1  )CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeath", "ddd", u, i, 38 );
	return 1;

GetXYInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, Float:distance)
	new Float:a;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, a);
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);
	if (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))
	    GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), a);
	x += (distance * floatsin(-a, degrees));
	y += (distance * floatcos(-a, degrees));
GetXYBehindPlayer(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, Float:distance)
    new Float:a;

    GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, a);
    GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);
    if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), a);
    x -= (distance * floatsin(-a, degrees));
    y -= (distance * floatcos(-a, degrees));

aaah how stupid i am ??!!
Thanx Y_Less

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