Help with text and skinchanger

Hi Guys,my name is Mike and i started my own server of SA:MP,i did some change's in the pwn of gamemode and it's working all,not a problem,but i can't find that name to change it from this image file,look at it.


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I finded the files with skinchanger.pwn and skinchanger.amx but the filescripts working only if you are logged in as admin,what should i do to everyone can have this command? What i have to change to everyone have access to the /skinchange command?

Hi Guys,my name is Mike and i started my own server of SA:MP,i did some change's in the pwn of gamemode and it's working all,not a problem,but i can't find that name to change it from this image file,look at it.


And one more thing,i saw that every server mostly have a /gps sistem,from where do i get that gps and how i modify to set the places coreclty? i just enter in game and go in a space and give /save to save the coordonates and put on gps files? or how?

I downloaded the skinchanger from here ""

Change text in corner:

1. Go into your gamemode script
2. Press CTRL+F
3. Type ""
4. Change the text


1. Goto the filterscript
2. Find the skinchange command
3. Look for "if isplayeradmin" (or something with admin)
4. Remove that line

GPS system:

You can't modify it unless you have good scripting knowledge which i am guessing you don't have

- Good luck running your server

Thanks man,i will do that now,have a nice day.

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