Zombie server

Hey if you would play on a zombie server, what would you want it to have?
I have:

Zombie/Human system
Anti team kill
Weapon shop
Grocery store
GPS system
Fire department
Medicine system
Vip/Admin system
Admin and vip commands


Well a Zombie Server where ADMINS can take control of everything would be very Good .

Originally Posted by hossa
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Well a Zombie Server where ADMINS can take control of everything would be very Good .
They can We've got the following admin cmds

SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "---------AHELP--------------------------------------------------------");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/gmx - Reload server");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/spawncar - Spawn a super GT");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/say - Announce something to the server");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/sethealth - Set someones health (0 = Dead)");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/setarmor - Set someones armor (0 = No armor)");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/giveweapon - Give a weapon to a player");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/setskin - Set someones skin");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/setvip - Set someones vip level (1-6)");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/a - Admin chat");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/kick - Kick a player");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/ban - Ban a player");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/goto - Go to a player");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/gethere - Get a player to you");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/kill - Kill a player");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/repair - Repair your vehicle");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/spectate - Spectate a player");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/specoff - Turn spectating off");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/setscore - Set someones score");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/forcehuman - Set someone to the human team");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "(For the zombie team just /kill them)");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "/disarm - Remove someones weapons");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "----------SCROLL UP FOR MORE-----------------------------------------");


Um, remove those VIP systems. I'd like a server where you actually get caught up in the zombie vs human gamemode, it'd be annoying to get distracted from that every five seconds when some "Golden VIP" comes speeding through in a Super GT.

Originally Posted by Coltmaster
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Um, remove those VIP systems. I'd like a server where you actually get caught up in the zombie vs human gamemode, it'd be annoying to get distracted from that every five seconds when some "Golden VIP" comes speeding through in a Super GT.
I can imagine The commands listed above are admin only ! Vips can only /v which is vip chat and they have a nametag color

Oh that's decent then

Missions instead of just DMing zombies (so more like a L4D type of game)

Or survival and camps like The Walking Dead.

I would love to have server with good DDOS protection, matured and professional staff team and unique script, full of new things.

If you will have all of that, then you will have a nice ZA server. However, there are many ZA servers.

Originally Posted by BigMouse
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I would love to have server with good DDOS protection, matured and professional staff team and unique script, full of new things.

If you will have all of that, then you will have a nice ZA server. However, there are many ZA servers.
SAMP has been lacking them, but a few people are starting them now.

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