[GameMode] NightLife v1.4 RC-2

Greetings fellow sa-mp day now I bring you the latest version and the best I've done in the GameModes of NightLife, today I present is: | • NightLife ™ • | Entertainment, chekenlo and comment, currently only amx file is, apologies to place only this file but since she does not need the full version comes out, any error or bug in the gamemode report it and solve it with gusto.

Originally Posted by Facciones
- Los Santos Police Department
- FBI Los Santos
- Los Santos Army Military
- Los Santos Medical Departmental
- Southern
- Sinatra Family
- Presidency
- The FARC
- Car
- Transport Los Santos (Taxi)
- Russian Mafia
- Estacuy Corporation
- Yakuza
- Groover Street
- Barzini
- Latin King
- Ballas
- Jizzy Club
- Need For Speed
- Criminal
Total factions: 21
Originally Posted by Sistemas
- Registration system dialog
- System logging in Dialog + DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD
- Camera movement system when logging
- 10 for login but you kikea (Security +)
- Passwords not less than 5 digits (Security +)
- System Messages
- Real Time
- System time ramdon.Please
- Phone System dialog
- / Ad dialog
- Fuel system
- Gas without bugs
- Map iconized
- 50 businesses
- 119 cars for sale
- 83 households
- Aeroplanes and helicopters for sale
- Pickups second place and function
- 6 Jobs assets
- 24/7 in dialog
- System to tutorial questions
- System dialog contract factions
- / Legalizarme and / dialog work
- Car and motorcycle for dialog
- / Actions in dialog
- System / neon dialog
- System / dialog clothes
- System for dialog ammunacion
- System dialog drugs
- Dialog Pharmacy
- System dialog bank
- Help system for dialog
- Mechanical system for dialog
- Mapping from scratch and unique
- Factions equipped and desbugueadas
- System and site location
- Saving tuning
- Payday per hour and set to 190
- System / registration
- Vehicle Control System
- Theft system
- 24/7 fixeados and working 100%
- Food and clothing places fixeados
- Support System
- Premium System
- Administrative System
- Security system antibot [65% in function]
- Anticheat system
- System antiseizure
- Gm Stable [No you can unsubscribe]
- New registration system
- Better management of files
- ATM system every 15 minutes
- Bank card system
- Can not get over 1500 on a cash
- Welcome New texdraw
- System / salary at City Hall
- System for cell balance
- / Purchase in dialog
- Stream system
- Objects 0.3d
- New system range
- 100% NFS fixeada
- New system of life insurance
- Vehicle insurance system
- All factions renewed
- Mapping new
- Fighting system boots (Running at 45%)
- Anti-betrayals System
- Anti-abuse
- Commands Baneo and improved Kikeo
- New toll system
- New restructuring of the FARC
- Fuel system fixed + stations
- / Account dialog
- Saved in Spanish
- Kaspersky 1.2
- System via OnPlayerClickPlayer report
- Improved doubts System [3 questions maximum, waiting 60 seconds]
- System antiflood
- New anti-spam system improved
- / Gov improved
- Improved Antihack System
- 99.9% Stability Up
- Support attacks
- Crash decreased (Server closed the connection)
- / Team dialog
- System / Enhanced phone
- Fixeados numbers Channels (CNN, Taxis, Car, etc)
- System / survey
- System upgraded cars
- System / extras fixeado
- System desbugeado Home Purchase
- Enhanced Driving School
- / Mercadonegro in dialog
- Improved drug System
- New file management
- Improved invitation system factions
- System function 100% antibot
- Anti-Hack Rcon
- Fixeo of SpawnPlayer
- Bug Fixeo minimum in the / phone
- New mapped
- Enhanced Anti-nickspam
- Improved flood system
- Reporting System via OnPlayerClickPlayer improved.
- Sistemas agregados a la v1.4 RC-1
- Gm files incompatible with previous versions
- Base / Naval for LSPD
- Command / hq for all factions
- New system of hospital (death)
- Stabilization of the gamemode
- Is reduced to the script lines
- Better command processor
- Less timmers running every second
- Changes in camera start
- Improved tutorial
- Repair of jobs [30%]
- Full Fixeo faction all cars
- Flying license system for helicopters and fixed aircraft
- System navigation license for boats arranged
- Improved houses System
- Improved texdraw System
- Password recovery system improved
- New systems management level (levels: Mod to test: 1, Moderator: 2, Manager 3, Administrator Leader: 4, Owner Manager: 5)
- Counting system input and output via console players
- Fuel system improved
- Minimum errors were repaired in commands (return Faults in some)
- Elimination of unnecessary systems
- Sistemas agregados a la v1.4 RC-2
- Gamemode updated to SA-MP 0.3x
- Alignment start texdraw
- Internal bug Fixeo SA-MP
- New system of questions after the tutorial
- New system / clothing Binco [samp 0.3x]
- It will add better security to the command / ban
- The lines of the script I minimize
- Removed unnecessary systems
- The system is eliminated Fishing License
- Improvement to faction NFS
- Reporting System via OnPlayerClickPlayer finished
- Problems logear (Server Closed Connection) v1.3 captured RC-3, fixeado
- New system / cambiarpass for users
- Improved system of death (hospital)
- System / loan in the bank
- New presentation in main ()
- Improvements to SetPlayerSpawn
- Kaspersky Update to v1.4 RC-2
- System Error
- All administrative cmd Spanish
- NOTA: is already underway RC-3 version that will come with many improvements and better script in every part of GM trying to make a server that looks up to the slightest detail

Among other various systems[0.3e]
Originally Posted by Imagenes

Originally Posted by Bugs
None, if you find any bugs report and will be solved as soon as possible.
Originally Posted by Preguntas
Preguntas y respuestas:
[spoiler]Please answer the following if you want:

How much would qualify this current version?
R / (from 1 to 10 and the explanation of why that note)

Have you found a bug or error?
R / (Be specific)

Gm Would you recommend this to a friend?
R / (Yes, No and why)

Have you had any serious problem of crash?
R / (Be specific)

What would you like which will add to the next version?
R / (Be specific)

Will you change credits?
R / (Answer with the truth and nothing but the truth: tongue

Do you know the creator of the Gm?
R / (Be specific)
__________________________________________________ ________________________[/spoiler]

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _

Credits and Scripter: Estacuy

Why did u release this? it's so awesome 10/10

Does it have english version?

Originally Posted by cuemur
Посмотреть сообщение
Does it have english version?

Source code is mandatory. Read the fucking rules.


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