no-ip apply problem


I run a server on my pc all day, but the time i sleep. My router has dynamic ip. It's a very unpleasant situation when my router gets ip reseted and many players that were attracted to my server lose the ip. I searched and find no-ip system. I searched a lot in forums to make it work but didn't find a way to make my server have same ip, no matter what the router's ip is. Here's what i have done so far:

I have created a host:

I have downloaded the little programm:

What do I do next? Searched a lot, didn't find anything.


You have done all that's required assuming the host is configured correctly at no-ip website.

Then why my server's ip can change?

The Server ip is working, the address thats is from no-ip is working

Wrong section. This is for SA:MP server support only.

ok,it doesnt make the ip stable but u can ur no-ip name as ur ip address like still dint get pm me

Originally Posted by HurtLocker
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Then why my server's ip can change?
The IP changes, but the hostname from no-ip keeps changing to point to that changing IP, so you can always use the same hostname from no-ip to connect to your server.

it doesnt fix dynamic ip, however, if you type in your no-ip address with the server port in your server browser, then theyll always be able to join, as the no-ip address always leads to your ip, as the program tells the website what your ip is when it changes, for your case, all your players have to do is type in in there server browser and it should connect to your server, just remeber to always leave the no-ip program running, otherwise it cant update the website whenever your ip changes

Originally Posted by logoster
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If you type in your no-ip address with the server port in your server browser, then they ll always be able to join, as the no-ip address always leads to your ip, as the program tells the website what your ip is when it changes, for your case, all your players have to do is type in in there server browser and it should connect to your server, just remeber to always leave the no-ip program running, otherwise it cant update the website whenever your ip changes
Ok, so I added my host to my favourites:

Nothing happens, dead server:

An IP doesn't just randomly change. There is such thing as a lease time. As long as the lease time hasn't expired the IP won't change. When the lease is about to expire, the client attempts to extend the lease time and most of the time this is succesful.

Some ISPs also block loopbacks on the external IP. Your server shows up fine for me. Don't know why you're still on 0.3c, though.

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