Request to SA-MP Team: Compile SA:MP Server source at ARMv6 architecture

Bought a little Raspberry Pi for myself and it's running a Debian 7 ARM version really great and fast.
That's when i thought of trying to run a little test SA:MP server on it, just to see what kind of experience a Raspberry Pi (Ђ40/$35 computer/server) could deliver, only to be dissapointed to see that the SA:MP server executable doesn't support ARM(v6) architecture.

So my question to the SA:MP/development team is: Could you compile the SA:MP Server Source on an O.S. like Raspbian? (you can download the O.S. and run it in VMWare if you don't have a Raspberry Pi).
Other programs run fine on my Raspi, and since you'll have to compile every SA:MP release on a ''normal'' linux server it shouldn't be a big deal to compile it on Raspbian.
I've seen a couple of other people are also interested in this, it would be delightful to fool around with this little server a bit more.

i would love to see this. would be great for lan party's and stuff. i own a Raspberry P myselfi.
Currently running a little webserver on it.

Again would love to see a samp server running for me and my friends on a Raspberry Pi. Because of its low energy costs i can make it 24/7 than

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