[FilterScript] [FS] Amit_B's Admin Mode

I have build this admin script in two days, didnt invest in it so much.
There are NO admin-levels
The point there, you can choose for players which commands they can use, and which no.
- Installation:
1. Download the script.
2. Put the AAM.amx (you can put there the .pwn file too) in your filterscripts folder.
3. Put the folder AAM in your scriptfiles folder.
4. Open & edit your server.cfg file, go to the "filterscripts" line, and add the word AAM, its should be done like this: filterscripts AAM
5. Run your server.
- How to use?
Connect your server and type /register [password].
This command register you to the admin script with the password entered and your nickname
After the registration its will create a file same as your nickname in scriptfiles/AAM/Users,
There you can edit the commands you want to use. enable/disable any command.
Always keep register + login on 1, else no one will can register/login .
The "adminchat" line enable you to choose if the player can write and read in the admin chat (admin chat: // text ).
The lines "seepms" & "seecmds" enable you to choose if the specifiec player can see commands or/and private messages of anothers players.
All the else are options to choose if player can do any commmand.
If you wroted in a specifiec line .. like KICK the number 0, the player will be not allowed to use this command, if he will use it he will get the naswer "SERVER: Unknown command."
If you wroted any another number, the player will be allowed to use this command.
- Commands list:
/register password - Registration.
/login password - Login in.
/changepass newpassword - Changes your password.
/say text - Talk as admin.
/freeze id - To freeze the player.
/unfreeze id - To unfreeze the player.
/disarm id - Reset the specifiec player weapons.
/hour time - Changes the server time.
/goto id - Teleport to the player.
/get id - Teleport the player to your current position.
/cc - Cleanup the chat.
/mute id seconds - Mute the player for X secondes.
/unmute id - To unmute the player.
/spec id - Watch the player. great for check cheaters.
/specoff - Stop watching.
/respawn id - Respawn the player.
/eject id - Eject the player from his vehicle.
/jail id seconds - Jail the player for X secondes.
/unjail id - Unjail the player.
/kick id reason - Kick the player.
/ban id reason - Ban the player with an reason (Special banning system).
/unban name - Delete player ban by his nickname.
/announce text - Post an announcement.
/akill id - Kills the player.
/givemoney id amount - Sends money to specifiec player.
/setmoney id amount - Change someones cash.
/setwanted id wanted - Changes the player wanted level.
/setskin id skinid - Changes the player skin.
/setinterior id interiorid - Changes the player interior
/setscore id score - Changes the player score.
/sethealth id health - Changes the player health.
/setarmour id armour - changes the player armour.
/setvhealth id health - Changes someone's vehicle health.
/setvcolor id color1 color2 - Changes the vehicle colors.
/explode id explodeid - to explode the player.
/godmod - Unlimited life
/lockchat - Lock the chat.
/skick id - "Quiet kick", no one see that the player has been kicked from the server.
/sban id reason - "Quiet ban", no one see that the player has been banned from the server.
/setname id name - Changes the player nickname.
/kickall id id id etc... - Kick all the players on the server except the ID's you have wrote.
- Download:


Nice work there Amit .
Very useful.


oh ye ... every time i open "FIlter Scripts and Includes" i see a new Admin fS

ואללה שיחקתה אותה אחי תודה xD
thanks man (Hebrew ^^^^)

Thankes all

Good Job

Grrr, what is the command to see all commands ?
Show us.

Originally Posted by [TBJ
Zh3r0 ]
Grrr, what is the command to see all commands ?
Show us.

Originally Posted by Amit B
Originally Posted by [TBJ
Zh3r0 ]
Grrr, what is the command to see all commands ?
Show us.
So, what was the point to post what i said :\
And what is the command for a list of all of them?

Nice work Amit

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