[Question] Fastest Library files

Hey, I have a question I always was scripting with MySQL and I want to script with my friend
and he don't know how to script with MySQL so I decided to move to another Library files,
so my question is which Library files is fastest?
someone told me that y_ini is the best for now,
looking for more opinions.

Thanks FuznesS.

Y_INI is best.Use it


Easy to use too.


It saves score its loads easier to learn how to use than SQL.

Thank you guys, looking for more opinions.

by the way y_ini is the fastest library files? except MySQL..

Y_ini was very fast last time i checked and is feature rich, so if your going with files I'd advise using y_ini like mentioned above.

Don't forget it doesn't matter if it's the the FASTEST or not as long as it is fast, a lot of the time using files (y_ini for example) will be considerably faster than using SQL.

But on the other hand there are a lot of advanced things you can do with SQL easily, that are not so easy to do with files (at least for the average user).

Don't just look for speed look for the functionality you want.

This may open another can of worms but as I understand it, SQLite is the fastest and easier than full MySQL.

It's faster than a file system or pure MySQL unless you thread MySQL which is actually pretty uncommon and way harder to do due to limitations in pawn. Also SQLite is a native function to sa-mp as well so no plugins required.

So basically:

Threaded MySQL >SQLite >MySQL>file system

Hope that helps.

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