04.04.2013, 15:17
I had created NPC's by connecting them to server (without recording).
The zombies NPCs are spawned and i set looped timer 250ms where the position of NPC is changed.
But the position is changed after the expiry of one second. Why? Is set changing position after 250ms NOT 1000ms!
You can look at this video:
And setting timer:
This is bug or?
Please help i need to changing position of NPC faster (like run).
The zombies NPCs are spawned and i set looped timer 250ms where the position of NPC is changed.
But the position is changed after the expiry of one second. Why? Is set changing position after 250ms NOT 1000ms!
You can look at this video:
public ZombieFunction(playerid) { if(ZombieInfo[playerid][zSpawned]) { if(ZombieInfo[playerid][zAction] == 0) { new target = GetClosestPlayer(playerid); if(target == -1) return 1; if(IsHuman(target)) { ZombieInfo[playerid][zTarget] = target; ZombieInfo[playerid][zAction] = 1; } } else if(ZombieInfo[playerid][zAction] == 1) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(ZombieInfo[playerid][zTarget])) { ZombieInfo[playerid][zAction] = 0; ZombieInfo[playerid][zTarget] = -1; ZombieInfo[playerid][zRun] = 0; } new Float:dist = GetDistanceToPlayer(playerid, ZombieInfo[playerid][zTarget]); if(dist > 2.0 && dist < 200.0) { SetPlayerToFacePlayer(playerid, ZombieInfo[playerid][zTarget]); ApplyAnimation(playerid, "ped", "sprint_civi", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); GetXYInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, ZombieInfo[playerid][zX],ZombieInfo[playerid][zY], 2.0); SetPlayerPos(playerid,ZombieInfo[playerid][zX],ZombieInfo[playerid][zY],ZombieInfo[playerid][zZ]); new Float:tx, Float:ty, Float:tz; GetPlayerPos(ZombieInfo[playerid][zTarget], tx, ty, tz); if(z != tz && dist < 30.0) { SetPlayerPosFindZ(playerid,ZombieInfo[playerid][zX],ZombieInfo[playerid][zY],ZombieInfo[playerid][zZ]); } } } } return 1; }
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) { ZombieInfo[playerid][zSpawned] = 1; SetPlayerPos(playerid, Config[7],Config[8],Config[9]); new zskin = random(sizeof(RandZombieSkin)); SetPlayerHP(playerid, 500.0); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, RandZombieSkin[zskin]); SetTimerEx("ZombieFunction", 250, 1, "i", playerid); return 1; } //More code... [] return 1; }
Please help i need to changing position of NPC faster (like run).