Dialog Problem

Hey all, I have a little problem with my dialog, it§s not big enough to fit all the text in it.

The code is:

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new dialog[256];
	strcat(dialog,"Pravidlб serveru:\n\nЋiadny Spam\nЋiadne Cheaty\nЋiadny Flood\nЋiadny Rasizmus\nЋiadne Nadбvky\n\n");
	strcat(dialog,"Info o Mode:\nTento server bol vytvorenэ pre testovanie novэch veci.\nTento server mб zariadenэ FunkBuster, tento AntiCheat patrн medzi");
	strcat(dialog,"najlepљi z najlepљнch\na nepotrebuje prнtomnost admina.\nFunkBuster obsahuje:\nMoney Hack\n Weapon Hack\nAmmo Hack\nTeleports\nAitbreak\nSpeedhack\n Health Hack (GodMode)\n Armor Hack\n Vehicle Spawner");
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,125,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"kjn's Test Server",dialog,"Sign", "Decline");
	return 1;
and it looks like this on the server: http://m1.aimg.sk/forig/f_440235144_...7723ecd0ed.jpg

Is there any way to make the dialog bigger so i can write much more about the server? rules, info etc?

Try change new dialog[256]; to new dialog[350];

change the dialog style to DIALOG_STYLE_LIST

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