Object loading related

Hello, I need help on a little problem related to object loading.

Well, as you can see on the screenshot, I put that high building on the map. The building beside it is already native on the game.

They're both in the same distance from me, but when I get a little long, the building I inserted starts to disappear.

Why does it happens? Also I've put other objects, and they don't show up as soon as the native objects on the game.

Please, help me.


Ok, please?

Well assuming that you don't use an object streamer, and you use pawno of 0.3x
You can control the view distance via the last parameter
example from the wiki page
    CreateObject(2587, 2001.195679, 1547.113892, 14.283400, 0.0, 0.0, 96.0); //if you leave the last param empty it will show from  the default distance.
    CreateObject(2587, 2001.195679, 1547.113892, 14.283400, 0.0, 0.0, 96.0, 250.0); //adding the 250 the object will be shown at 250.0 units/feet or what ever.
    CreateObject(2587, 2001.195679, 1547.113892, 14.283400, 0.0, 0.0, 96.0, 50000.0); //The object won't be shown from 50000.0 unit, because the limit is 300

I'm thankful .

It was because the Map editor didn't put this param., so it's been put by default as 0.

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