is it possible to record a driver npc in a hydra, and then when he connects he goes into a car?

hey all,

well the title says it all, but is it possible to record a npc which is in a hydra, takes off and flies away, and then when you placed him into a script and connect him, you put him in a car or bike, so you will see a flying bike? xD

anyway i tried this and the bot now just connects, disconnects, connects, disconnects continuesly.... so thats why im asking it here.


As far as I know, this is possible.
I made a mistake once, where all my NPC planes changed into premiers -.-'

but how is it possible that my npc keeps connecting, disconnecting, connecting etc? i did it exactly the way i did it at every other npc, only this one has a different vehicle than the recording, and my maxnpc is set to 55...

How many are you connecting at a time?
You should keep a little time between each 3 NPC's (if I remember right).
If that's not the problem, there might be a problem with your code where you put the NPC's in vehicles, or where you spawn them, or something in that trent.

im connecting 12 bots when the server starts, should i add timers for that than?

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