Guide to setup a SA-MP server

Hi, and welcome at:

ProfessorOak's How To Create A Server!
Because i saw a lot of 'How can i have an own server' topics, i decided to create a Tutorial where i'm going to learn you, how you can set up a server! Take your time & Enjoy!

Step 1: Download The Windows / Linux Server
To begin, we are going to take a look at, click on Downloads, and scroll to "SA:MP 0.2.2 Windows Server Download". Download the file: SA:MP 0.2.2 Windows Server. Open it, and you will get something like this:

This is WHOLE your server!

Step 2: Change the server.cfg file
If you open, the server.cfg file, you will get this: ( 'Explaining Next To It - ATTENTION AT THE BOTTOM ')

[img width=1024 height=266][/img]
Now you have changed your server.cfg ( And you Rcon Password ), you will be able to run a server.
You can now run your server, by pressing the button, "samp.server.exe"

Step 3: Change the Gamemode
So, you don't want to have a server, which runs the gamemode, lvdm?
Well, than you can simply change your gamemod, by going, for example to the sa-mp forums.

Here can you see a lot of released gamemodes! Be nice & Hold the credits!

For example, i want to download, [GM] Public Enemy LS - Updated
I download it, and I put every single downloaded file, in my server files.

So you think you are ready now? NO! Your forgot something! You didn't change the gamemod line in server.cfg!

So instead of gamemode0 lvdm 1, you delete lvdm 1 and you change it, in penls 1!

Step 4: Change the Filterscript(s)

This is exactly the same as the gamemod. But, remember! Also change the server.cfg!

Now you can run a professional server! Enjoy!

!Attention -&- Attention!
*Always change your RCON password, in a long, difficult password. Something like this: coffee6596pianoLOLZORx66
*When you compile a ( for example ) PENLS.PWN File, you will get the PENLS.AMX file. Only the .AMX file, is running in the server.
*If you only had a gamemode: penls.pwn, you will not be to run it. MAKE SURE you add the compiled file!!! ( The penls.amx file )

If you STILL have got any questions, you first MUST read the server-readme.txt, which you can find in the downloaded, server sa-mp file.

If you STILL have got any questions, you can ask it here!

I hope there will be more & Better & ... servers!




Im pretty sure that the next question will be...

"Help! My server isnt on the Internet list!!1"


Well normally I would say this should have been done on the wiki, but since it is down, nice work :P

nice work, made something like that but they deleted it since the wiki was aviable that time

still nice

nice :P

should be stickied imo

Hey ProffesorOak you know me

but it doesnt work to me it says at sa-mp client :HostName: (Retrieving info...)
Players: 0 / 0
Ping: 9999

What did i wrong Greets [MM]Mocro

[Mini][Mission] Rocks

Originally Posted by [MM
Mocro ]
Hey ProffesorOak you know me

but it doesnt work to me it says at sa-mp client :HostName: (Retrieving info...)
Players: 0 / 0
Ping: 9999

What did i wrong Greets [MM]Mocro

[Mini][Mission] Rocks
That's because, you have to open your Router ( If you don't know how, take a look at this)

Or, you can simply play on the ip:, but than, people wont be able to connect your server. Only you can connect @

I knew that will be the nex question

I've done everything that has been said here, and in the two tutorials I have found on forwarding/opening ports, but it just doesn't work!

Whatever IP adress I try, when I attempt to connect, it says it cannot connect to the server, it's reeeeally annoying me!

but only you can enter it.

Freakin awesome tut, and very helpful for begginers.

Originally Posted by Zh3r0^
Freakin awesome tut, and very helpful for begginers.
Thank you, tomorrow i'll make with Pinnacle, a Video Tutorial

Originally Posted by Scorcher

but only you can enter it.
Actually other people can connect to that also. (as long as your are connected to the internet) I made the mistake 1 time of announcing the server, and I went in to test the game mode, i wasnt in game 5 minutes and someone else popped in. I was like wtf

You add a new server in samp using but on the server list it shows your real IP.
If you want to host the server from your pc, you can connect through but other people have to connect through your real IP, which can be found at

But if you use the announce feature, you can leave it at


how i can change GM with command

Thank you

hi man can you please give me a your msn adress to contact.....a am trying to make server about 2month and i cant.....please add me at msn you man

Very good guide for the newblets

my samp-server says "[sac] Auth servers are currently offline" when i try to run my server what does this mean? did i do sonething wrong?

Originally Posted by DjMeRc
my samp-server says "[sac] Auth servers are currently offline" when i try to run my server what does this mean? did i do sonething wrong?
in your server.cfg instend of anti-cheat 1 change to anti-cheat 0

Hosting a server through a laptop meaning wireless, can't be done if anyone know how then please tell me

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