06.03.2013, 02:00
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer("Updater", 5000, true);
return 1;
pawn Код:
forward Updater(); //Must always forward a timer, read the set timer topic in the wiki for more info.
public Updater()
foreach(Player, playerid)
new TDstring[150], scr;
scr = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, KillsStr[playerid]);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, ScrStr[playerid]);
format(TDstring, sizeof(TDstring), " %d ", pInfo[playerid][Kills]); //Formats the string, for more info on format, visit the wiki.
TextDrawSetString(KillsStr[playerid], TDstring);
format(TDstring, sizeof(TDstring), " %d ", scr);
TextDrawSetString(ScrStr[playerid], TDstring);
return 1;