Help Start using PUTTY

Ok so I'm using PUTTY to start my server, except I'm not quit sure how to. I've read the wiki and another tutorial, but still can't get it to work. What should I put in after I see root@network~# ?

My Path: /shit/samp03/

Please and thanks!

A simple search for 'putty' will likely find you the answer.

I did... I can't seem to get it. How do I open a path (not bash... ACTUALLY open)

Hes already logged in correctly, and just doesnt know how to start the server.
First of all, do
cd <your path>
to change the current directory. Once youre in the correct one, just type
to start the server.
the ./ is required by linux to signalize that you want to launch an application in the current folder, and the samp03svr is the name of the samp server application.
However, the server will close once you close putty, as it just runs in your current session, and this ends when you log out. To keep it running you can do
nohup ./samp03svr &
nohup is a tool that keeps processes running even when you log out (they ignore notifications that they should close)
and the & means run the stuff in background, so you can keep using putty.

However, you cant close it then, unless you know its ID. To find that out, do
pgrep samp03svr
pgrep returns the id of a process is similar to the given name. Then you can end the server with
kill <shown id>

I hope this helps.

Well, many a times it depends on the Linux distro you're using.
Also, its not recommended to run SA:MP server via root. You may make a user account for running SA:MP server.

You may try this after editing your server.cfg:
root@network:~# cd /shit/samp03
root@network:/shit/samp03# chmod +x samp-npc samp03svr announce
root@network:/shit/samp03# nohup ./samp03svr &
That should start the SA:MP server.

Edit: Was I just preceded by others' posts!? xD.

Thanks guys I got it

It's not recommend to run everything like a samp server under root. Best thing to do would be to make make another user account and run it from there. You don't have to, but its recommended.

What do you mean? (Sorry to bump this), why isn't it recomended?

Originally Posted by jakejohnsonusa
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What do you mean? (Sorry to bump this), why isn't it recomended?
Running a samp server under sub-account is much safer than running it under root.

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