[HELP] Bug When Dies

Today I came here for help, I think it is a bug and will die when a screen appears for you to give Spawn OK and just doing what he is born again serve my RPG as you help me?


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@Edit Sorry my Bad English Translated with ****** Translate


Originally Posted by Lemonaidz
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so when someone dies it serves in this screen comes to give and give Spanw OK just so he rises whenever dies tended Spanw have to give?


Can you please show me your Gamemode, i can help you fix it

So just to be sure, when you press "OK" to Come back alive and spawn , you then die?


[quote=Lemonaidz;2400895]So just to be sure, when you press "OK" to Come back alive and spawn , you then die?


Help ? '

My OnPlayerDeath:

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
antifakekill[playerid] ++;
SetTimerEx("antifakekill2", 1000,false,"i",playerid);
new kname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(killerid, kname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(file2, sizeof(file2), PASTA_CONTAS, kname);
new aname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, aname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(file, sizeof(file), PASTA_CONTAS, aname);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Voce Morreu..", 2500, 5);
dini_IntSet(file, "usoudroga", 1);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, topblack);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, bottomblack);
algemado[playerid] = 0;
GPS_Spawned[playerid] = 0;
autoescola[playerid] = 0;
sequestro[playerid] = 0;
prefls[playerid] = 0;
prefsf[playerid] = 0;
preflv[playerid] = 0;
nobarls[playerid] = 0;
nobarsf[playerid] = 0;
nobarlv[playerid] = 0;
nobarfc[playerid] = 0;
nautlls[playerid] = 0;
dini_IntSet(file, "convitent", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "Entrevista", 0);
dini_IntSet(file2, "DM", 1);
SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, 1);
dini_IntSet(file, "usoudroga", 0);
if(GetClosestHospital(playerid) == 0){
SetSpawnInfo(playerid,1,dini_Int(file, "Skin"),-2651.6501, 634.4510, 14.4531, 180.0000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
else if(GetClosestHospital(playerid) == 1){
SetSpawnInfo(playerid,1,dini_Int(file, "Skin"),1173.5842,-1324.5615,15.1953,278.4624,0,0,0,0,0,0);
else if(GetClosestHospital(playerid) == 2){
SetSpawnInfo(playerid,1,dini_Int(file, "Skin"),2031.9415,-1404.3578,17.2614,165.8180,0,0,0,0,0,0);
else if(GetClosestHospital(playerid) == 3){
SetSpawnInfo(playerid,1,dini_Int(file, "Skin"),1582.5615,1768.7921,10.8203,93.7454,0,0,0,0,0,0);
if(DMlb == 1){
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "(INFO) O jogador %s nгo foi preso porque o DM estava liberado!",kname);
SendClientMessageToAll(msgdm3, string);
return 1;
if(dini_Int(file, "Preso") == 1){
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 263.8820,77.4002,1001.0391);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6);
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
SendClientMessage(playerid, msgdm, "(INFO) Vocк estб preso, para ser solto consulte um advogado ou pague fianзa pelo saldo bancario. /fianca");
preso[playerid] = 1;
dini_IntSet(file2, "ofmaconha", 0);
dini_IntSet(file2, "ofcocaina", 0);
dini_IntSet(file2, "ofcrack", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "usoudroga", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "tmaconha", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "tcrack", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "tcocaina", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "Maconha", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "Crack", 0);
dini_IntSet(file, "Cocaina", 0);
/*if(DMLiberados[playerid] == 1){
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "| ANTI-DM | O jogador %s nгo foi preso por matar na base da Swat! (DM Liberado)",kname);
SendClientMessageToAll(msgdm3, string);
return 1;
if(DMLiberadoy[playerid] == 1){
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "| ANTI-DM | O jogador %s nгo foi preso por matar na base da CV! (DM Liberado)",kname);
SendClientMessageToAll(msgdm3, string);
return 1;
if(DMLiberado2[playerid] == 1){
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s Matou %s na Favela e nгo foi Colocado na Lista de Procurados!",kname, aname);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xA80000AA, string);
SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0,dini_Int(file, "Skin"), 2122.4463, -1212.4840, 23.9644, 93.7454, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
return 1;
if(noevento[playerid] == 1){
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s Matou Alguem no Evento e nгo foi Colocado na Lista de Procurados!",kname);
SendClientMessageToAll(msgdm3, string);
return 1;
if(dini_Int(file2, "DM") == 1){
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s matou  %s e estб sendo procurado pela Policia!",kname, aname);
SendClientMessageToAll(0x007CF9AA, string);
dini_IntSet(file2, "Procurado", 1);
Procurados[killerid] = 1;
SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, 1);

return 1;

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