Help on Trucker mission

It's not showing dis:
{FFFF00}from {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} to {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00
Here Define code:
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedTruckJob "{FFFF00}Trucker {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} succesfully transported {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} {FFFF00}from {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} to {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} {FFFF00}from {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} to {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00}"
i wanana it show like dis:
{FFFF00}Trucker {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} succesfully transported {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} {FFFF00}from {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} to {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} {FFFF00}from {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00} to {FFFF00}%s{FFFF00}
// After a truckdriver entered a checkpoint, a timer is created. This function is called when the timer runs out
public Trucker_LoadUnload(playerid)
	// Check if the player is inside a convoy
	if (APlayerData[playerid][InConvoy] == true)
		// If the player just loaded his goods at the loading-point
	    if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] == 1)
	        APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 2; // Set the next step of the convoy-job (wait until all members have loaded their cargo)
			TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], TXT_WaitingMembersToLoadCargo);

		// If the player just delivered his goods at the unloading-point
		if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] == 3)
	        APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 4; // Set the next step of the convoy-job (wait until all members have unloaded their cargo)
	    	TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], TXT_WaitingMembersToUnLoadCargo);

		DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // Delete the loading/unloading-checkpoint
		TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); // Enable the player again (he can move again)

		return 1; // Don't allow the rest of the function to be executed

	// If the player isn't inside a convoy, this part is executed

	// Check the JobStep
	switch (APlayerData[playerid][JobStep])
		case 1: // Player must load his goods
		    // Setup local variables
			new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, UnloadMsg[100];
			// Set JobStep to 2 (unloading goods)
			APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 2;
			// Delete the loading-checkpoint
			// Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
			format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
			format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
			format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);

			// Randomly set the load as overloaded (15% chance the load is overloaded)

			// Pre-format the missiontext (there may be some parts appended when overloaded/mafiaload
			format(RouteText, 255, TXT_HaulingCargoFromToDeliver, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
			// Check if the player is overloaded
			if (APlayerData[playerid][Overloaded] == true)
			    // Add "(OL)" to the missiontext to let the player know he's been overloaded
				format(RouteText, 255, "%s%s", RouteText, " ~r~(OL)~w~");
				// Send a message to the player to let him know he's been overloaded
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_TruckerOverloaded);
			// Check if the player is carrying a mafia-load
			if (ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][Mafia] == true)
			    // Add "(ML)" to the missiontext to let the player know his load is wanted by the mafia
				format(RouteText, 255, "%s%s", RouteText, " ~r~(ML)~w~");
			    // If the player is carrying a mafia-load, inform him about it
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_TruckerMafiaInterested, 5000, 4);
				// Also set the data for the player to indicate he's carrying a mafiaload
				APlayerData[playerid][MafiaLoad] = true;
				// Also set the player's trailer ID (or the vehicle itself) as Mafia-load in the array "AVehicleMafiaLoad"
				if (APlayerData[playerid][TrailerID] == 0)
				    AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID]][MafiaLoad] = true; // The player has no trailer, so set his main vehicle as wanted by the mafia
                    AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][TrailerID]][MafiaLoad] = true; // The player has a trailer, so set his trailer as wanted by the mafia

			// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
			TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);

			// Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
			x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocX];
			y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocY];
			z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocZ];
			// Create a checkpoint where the player should unload the goods
			SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
			// Inform the player that he must unload his goods
			format(UnloadMsg, 100, TXT_DeliverCargoTo, Load, EndLoc);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, UnloadMsg);
		case 2: // Player is delivering his goods
		    // Setup local variables
			new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], Msg1[128], Name[24], BonusMsg[128];

			// Get the player name
			GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
			// Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
			format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
			format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
			format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);

			// Construct the message sent to all players that this player completed a trucking mission
			format(Msg1, 128, TXT_PlayerCompletedTruckJob, Name, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
			SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg1);

		    // Setup local variables
			new Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:Distance, Message[128], Payment, Bonus;
			// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location (to load the goods)
			x1 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocX];
			y1 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocY];
			// Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
			x2 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocX];
			y2 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocY];
			// Calculate the distance between both points
			Distance = floatsqroot(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));

			// Calculate the payment for the player
			Payment = floatround((Distance * ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][PayPerUnit]), floatround_floor);

			// Check if the player has done the bonus mission
			if (RandomBonusMission[MissionFinished] == false)
				// Check all paramters (load, startlocation and end-location)
				if (RandomBonusMission[RandomLoad] == APlayerData[playerid][LoadID])
					if (RandomBonusMission[RandomStartLoc] == APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1])
						if (RandomBonusMission[RandomEndLoc] == APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2])
						    Payment = Payment * 2; // Double the payment is the player was the first to do the bonus mission
                            RandomBonusMission[MissionFinished] = true; // Only one player can do the bonus mission, a new one is chosen next
							format(BonusMsg, 128, "{00BBFF}Player {FFBB00}%s{00BBFF} has finished the bonus mission", Name);
							SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, BonusMsg);

			// Pay the player based on the distance between the loading-point and unloading-point
			RewardPlayer(playerid, Payment, 0);
			// Send a message to let the player know he finished his mission and got paid
			format(Message, 128, TXT_RewardJob, Payment);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);

			// Add 25% bonus if the player has been overloaded
			if (APlayerData[playerid][Overloaded] == true)
			    // Calculate the bonus
			    Bonus = (Payment * 25) / 100;
				// Pay the bonus to the player
				RewardPlayer(playerid, Bonus, 0);
				// Send a message to let the player know he was overloaded and got paid
				format(Message, 128, TXT_TruckerBonusOverloaded, Bonus);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);

			// Add 50% bonus if the player has delivered a mafia load (mafia couldn't steal his load)
			if (APlayerData[playerid][MafiaLoad] == true)
			    // Calculate the bonus
			    Bonus = (Payment * 50) / 100;
				// Pay the bonus to the player
				RewardPlayer(playerid, Bonus, 0);
				// Send a message to let the player know he was overloaded and got paid
				format(Message, 128, TXT_TruckerBonusMafiaLoad, Bonus);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);

			// Add 10% bonus if the player has delivered the load with his own truck
			if (AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID]][Owned] == true)
			    // Calculate the bonus
			    Bonus = (Payment * 10) / 100;
				// Pay the bonus to the player
				RewardPlayer(playerid, Bonus, 0);
				// Send a message to let the player know he was overloaded and got paid
				format(Message, 128, TXT_TruckerBonusOwnVehicle, Bonus);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);

			// Also add score-points to the score of the player based on the distance between the loading and unloading points
			if (Distance > 3000.0)
				RewardPlayer(playerid, 0, 2); // Distance is larger than 3000 units, so add 2 points
				RewardPlayer(playerid, 0, 1); // Distance is less than 3000 units, so add 1 point

			// Increase the stats for completing a trucking job
			// Also save the data (in case the server crashes, progress would be lost)

			// End the current trucker job (clear mission-data)

    // Enable the player again (he can move again)
	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);

	return 1;
It say: Truck Test Succesfully transported Cement from quarry t.
Not showing the full word.

Msg1 is only 128 cells large, and that message is over 180.

Can you fix my code?
Plz post the code
Don't get but can you ? post the code

i don't get it.

how i make the all words show?


Change that too a bigger size.

can give code

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