22.02.2013, 21:26
** FT - Bot Chat {simple} **
- FilterScript:
This is a simple filterscript, developed in a 20/30 minutes.
He and only one filterscript to distract the server, nothing more than just a joke.
I'm brazilian, sorry for my horrible English. haha '
I hope you enjoy the filterscript, despite being basic, but I think some will like it, because it is fun (:
- ScreenShot's:
** Screenshot
** Screenshot
- Script:
pawn Code:
* FT - BOT Chat {simple}
** Sorry my English **
// - Includes
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
// - Defines
#define BotName "Fatal" // Bot Name
#define ColorBot 0x00FF00AA // Color Bot
// - Dialogs
#define ConfiBot 69
// - Variables
// - Bot Text
new BotText[][] =
"Hello, player.",
"What do you want here?",
"Gay \\//",
"Gay //\\",
"I'm 110 years old, I'm fucked.",
"Bitch, please.",
"Want sex.",
"The neighbor who write and gay.",
"Good in the pond?",
"Fuck You",
"Your shit",
"I'm watch a porno. Until then!",
"I'm sexy.",
"Oppa, gangnam style.. (8)",
"Oh if I catch you, delight, delight.. (8)",
"nothing to declare.",
"Shut your gay.",
"Go to work, gay.",
"I'm scripter, pawn, I'm fucked. MEGUSTA!",
"I'm crap, already back.",
"I'm going to pee, even more.",
"All gays are here, except me.",
"How old are you?",
"Very cool nick, would be a pity if someone to copy...",
"Call me?",
"I'm dance.",
"I'm famous. HAHAHAHA!",
"Forum SA-MP, megusta.",
"Lalalalalalala :8",
"I'm watch television, even more personal.",
"I am very beautiful.",
"His ugly.",
"I'll sleep guys!",
"******** pros and weaknesses. Strong use the FORUM.",
"Very cool your joke, congrulations.",
"HAHAHA, I'm a robot, was created by an alien. By: @FatalFormat"
public OnFilterScriptInit() {
bOffOn = true;
return print("* FT - BOT Chat * Loaded.");
public OnFilterScriptExit() {
return print("* FT - BOT Chat * Desloaded.");
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) {
if (bOffOn == true) {
if (strfind(text, BotName, true) != -1) {
return SetTimerEx("TextBot", 1000, false, "d", playerid);
return true;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) {
if (dialogid == ConfiBot) {
if (response) {
if (listitem == 0) {
bOffOn = true;
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFF000AA, "Bot enabled.");
if (listitem == 1) {
bOffOn = false;
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000AA, "Bot disabled.");
return true;
forward TextBot(id);
public TextBot(id) {
new String[128], textRandom = random(sizeof(BotText));
format(String, sizeof(String), "%s: {FFFFFF}%s", BotName, BotText[textRandom]);
return SendClientMessageToAll(ColorBot, String);
// CMD.
CMD:confbot(playerid) {
return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ConfiBot, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Bot Config.", "{FFFFFF}- Bot {00FF00}Online\n{FFFFFF}- Bot {FF0000}Offline", "Select", "Cancel");
* FT - BOT Chat {simple}
** Sorry my English **
Just a basic filterscript.
Upon contains few texts, over time, will create more.
I'll put him on board PT / BR too, and that good.
Hope you enjoy, and not anything NEW or DIFFERENTIATED.
But I hope someone likes