I have intresting question about y_groups.

How to set visible pickup only for specific group?

How to send a message for specific player group?

Thouse are to my question.. I'm thinking how to do it.. But nothing comes in mind...

You can use
pawn Код:
bool:Group_GetPlayer(Group:group, player);
above CreatePickup and check..
Same for SendClientMessage, using foreach with
pawn Код:
bool:Group_GetPlayer(Group:group, player);
I just scanned through the topic and this was the first method I came across.

umm and how I will import the message in? I have all defined and works as charm... I have seted groups etc.. But here is the problem... How do I do it...

Maybe this will work for checking?
Sow it on forum..
pawn Код:
if (Group_GetPlayer(gTDF, playerid))

Never worked with y_groups, but I am just guessing:
pawn Код:
foreach( new i: Player)
if (Group_GetPlayer(SomeGroup, i) == true )
 SendClientMessage(i, -1, "This is a message for people in SomeGroup only!");

Okay I will try thank you for your time and respond!

Still up! Sorry for bump so soon but it's really needed...

You can use y_groups and foreach together natively, it says that in the y_groups release topic.


YSI groups are foreach compatible - just specify which group you would like to loop through the players of:

pawn Код:
new Group:a = Group_Create("group");

Group_SetPlayer(a, 5, true);
Group_SetPlayer(a, 7, true);
Group_SetPlayer(a, 89, true);
Group_SetPlayer(a, 50, true);

foreach (Group(a), playerid)
    printf("%d", playerid);

That code will give an output of:


So basically if I set group as
pawn Код:
Group_SetPlayer(a, Bloodz, true);
It will show as bloodz?

And another thing I'm using it like this:

pawn Код:
If I basically set skin id could it work?

To answer your first question, no. To create a new group, you would need to do this:

pawn Код:
new Group:Bloodz = Group_Create("Bloodz");
To add users to the group, you would need to do this:

pawn Код:
Group_SetPlayer(a, playerid, true);
To remove a user from the group, you would have to do this:

pawn Код:
Group_SetPlayer(a, 50, false);
And, to loop through the group, for example, to check if a player is in a group, you would do this:

pawn Код:
foreach (Group(Bloodz), playerid)
    printf("%d is in group Bloodz", playerid);
I've never used y_groups, but I'm assuming the Class_AddWithGroupSet function works just like you said.

It works like that on player class select but the thing is.. I'm making it more advanced.. That why I'm thinking how to do it more currently so basically I need to remake gang system..

Just trying to understand how it works and which is the best way to work with y_groups.. Before I notices that but I thought group by skin id will be much easier so now I don't know if it will check if current skin is in that group or he ain't there is the question.. So basically what I want to make.. is 1 leader skin and rest on team is members...

That why I chosen select group by skin id.. + I removed skin selection..
it seemed more not in my thought style...

Big thanks anyway RealCop228 If I can somehow help you just pm me..

So btw I have it already in script
PHP код:
gLSPD Group_Create("LSPD");
gFBI Group_Create("FBI");
gCadet Group_Create("Cadet");
gMedics Group_Create("Medics"); 
So basically then I need to remove Class_AddWithGroupSet and add this:

Group_SetPlayer(a, 5, true);
Group_SetPlayer(a, 7, true);
Group_SetPlayer(a, 89, true);
Group_SetPlayer(a, 50, true);

foreach (Group(a), playerid)
    printf("%d", playerid);
Or I got it incorrectly?

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