0.3x and 0.3e Question

I cant connect some servers with 0.3e anymore...I downloaded and installed 0.3x and then tried to go to my localhost that worked fine with 0.3e...When i connected it just said "Could not connect,retrying" The server was running fine..So i went back to install 0.3e again..Server worked fine.So what is the problem anything that runs with 0.3e doesnt work with 0.3x?

Update your server to 0.3x version.

How to ?


Unzip it and copy over the 'samp_server.exe' file to your server files replacing the current one.

You should not only update "samp-server.exe", "samp-npc.exe", "announce.exe" but also old includes and recompile your gamemode.
Because in 0.3x there are new functions and callbacks - so you must update a_samp.inc!

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