SetObjectMaterial 0.3x

why the distance from SetObjectMaterial is so low. Its only with objects with SetObjectMaterial.

new BSNDach_ba = CreateObject(19377, 1187.8120, -915.9030, 48.2323, 0.0000, 90.0000, 8.2000, 200.0);
	SetObjectMaterial(BSNDach_ba, 0, 19362, "all_walls", "la_carp3", 0xFF424242);

Objects with a large draw distance (more than 300), or objects with custom material changes, don't support fading in/out anymore (it was causing problems). Objects would normally start fading in well before the draw distance was met.

The solution is just to increase the draw distance to a point where your players will never really notice it. Maybe future versions of SA-MP will support the fading again on these objects, if the problems can be resolved.

Originally Posted by piohh
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why the distance from SetObjectMaterial is so low. Its only with objects with SetObjectMaterial.

new BSNDach_ba = CreateObject(19377, 1187.8120, -915.9030, 48.2323, 0.0000, 90.0000, 8.2000, 200.0);
	SetObjectMaterial(BSNDach_ba, 0, 19362, "all_walls", "la_carp3", 0xFF424242);
Same here piohh, I'm using incognito's streamer plugin to stream the entire north (desert part) of the map as grass..

It all appears just as you get to it with a draw distance setting of 800.00, I've tried lower and higher values.. it's exactly the same and appears at the same time.

Example Video(poor quality): [ame][/ame]

I don't actually use it anymore because of this, which is a bit of a shame..

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