I have a question about gang ranks..

So maybe someone can say how I can make rank sytstem and save it in y_ini.

(Just it can be peace of code or something + looked in ****** nothing good wasn't found).

I just need some start point..

Wishing all the best TrueForYourSelf.

Originally Posted by Jakku
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First, create an enum to store your faction data.


pawn Код:
#define MAX_FACTIONS 10

new FactionCount;

enum Factions
Name[32], //String, that's why [32] = length
Skin, //Integer
Weapons[5][2], //5 for example, use more if you need, [2] = ammo and weapon id

new Faction[MAX_FACTIONS][Factions];

Then you could create a function to create a faction (Easier for you if you create them from your gamemode)

pawn Код:
stock CreateFaction(name[], skin, Float:x, Float:y,Float:z)
new id = FactionCount;
Faction[id][Name] = name;
Faction[id][Skin] = skin;
Faction[id][PositionX] = x;
Faction[id][PositionY] = y;
Faction[id][PositionZ] = z;
printf("Faction created: %s", name);
//I let you configure the other things like weapons if you need them

Then under OnGameModeInit; create your factions:

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
CreateFaction("Example name", skinid, x,y,z);
CreateFaction("Example name 2", skinid, x,y,z);
return 1;
Hope you got my point
Found this by using ****** in an instant.

What you're looking for sounds more like a faction/family system, which is used for gangs usually in servers and pre-build gamemodes. Try searching with the word 'faction' or 'family' instead of 'gang'.

Okay Thank you for fast replay

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