Adricks TDM - Admin problem

Hi all just a quick question..

I'm using Adricks TDM game mode which can be found in the gamemodes section of the forum.. Here's a link..

The problem:

When I connect to the server it allows me to use all of the admin commands. Although I have not logged into any admin stuff or rcon what so ever... Not that I know of any way..

My Questions:

Would I be automaticaly logged into rcon if I am connecting to my server via LAN?

Is the admin script broken in such a way that it is allowing EVERYONE admin that joins the server?

What code do I need to show you in order to help me?

What I want resolved:

I want it so that only admins can use the admin commands whether it be done by using rcon or whatever..

I hope you guys can help me out lol! I've got a dedicated server waiting for this and I'm gonna be popping it on with 200 slots so it should be awesome! Big thanks to adrick for making this awesome game mode!

Hi Phil_Cutcliffe,


Would I be automaticaly logged into rcon if I am connecting to my server via LAN?



Is the admin script broken in such a way that it is allowing EVERYONE admin that joins the server?



What code do I need to show you in order to help me?

if it's a gamemode, you could pastebin it.

Hi arbit thanks for replying man! I've been doing some research and changed some stuff..

In the code below instead of using the "if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] < 10)" i had "if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))"

Now I am using the "if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] < 10)" line of code the admin commands are working correctly.
I am no longer able to use the commands and it sais I don't have access to them which is great.


if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] < 10) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You are not authorized to use this CMD!");
new id;
if(sscanf(params,"u",id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"USAGE: /kick <id>");
if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-4,"That player is not connected!");
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You have kicked the selected user!");
return 1;


My account on my server is called Pete_Pete for example.. I notice a user file is made when I register.. It has an
admin level in there but when I set it to 10 I still cannot use admin commands and when I open the file again it has
put the admin level back to 0.. I've tried making it read only aswell but still cannot use admin commands..

What am I missing??

What do you need to know to help??

Originally Posted by Phil_Cutcliffe
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My account on my server is called Pete_Pete for example.. I notice a user file is made when I register.. It has an
admin level in there but when I set it to 10 I still cannot use admin commands and when I open the file again it has
put the admin level back to 0.. I've tried making it read only aswell but still cannot use admin commands..

What am I missing??

What do you need to know to help??
there may be issues with saving the data. i'll assume you're saving the data when the player disconnects, so begin by posting the code within "OnPlayerDisconnect".

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