
I want to edit the : Setplayerpos , setplayercamerapos, Setplayercameralookat
can someon help me ??

Well check the samp wiki.

How to capture these , because ia already have done this but forgot

What do you mean "How to capture these" ? ....Explain what you're doing and what you want doing.

So im new on gta sa multiplayer .
I want to choose the start of the players and the characters etc.. but dont know how
Now im searching how to know the coordinate

Well find them in game. /save and it will save your position in your GTA San Andreas User Files > SAMP > savedpositions

@Infinity90 Why you just don't give him a reply to check "*******"

It is explained quite well there , check it first .

Searching key :

"Samp Camera Positions Tutorial"

******* is not the best
i already checkt now i know the playerpos , and the 2 others ??

Well you can use MTA map editor and "Dump Current Position" or get a filterscript that allows you to fly and then /save at where you want the camera position. For the CameraLookAt, that should equal the same as the Player Position if you want them to be looking at themselfs.

If you want the player position you can do :

Go in-game and use the command "/save"

After you done this , you'll be able to get the coordinates . Sure , the question about this is where these coords go , it is easy . Go in "My documents" -> "GTA San Andreas User Files" -> "SA-MP" -> "savedpositions" .

If you'll open that you'll find the locations that have been saved . Let's give an simply explanation on them .

All those files get saved in a method like this :

    AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0);
And you'll be asking your self what all these coords are . Well , it is easy to be learned . Here , see this label :

skin	The skin which the player will spawn with.
Float:X	The X coordinate of the spawnpoint of this class.
Float:Y	The Y coordinate of the spawnpoint of this class.
Float:Z	The Z coordinate of the spawnpoint of this class.
Float:Angle	The direction in which the player should face after spawning.
weapon1	The first spawn-weapon for the player.
weapon1_ammo	The amount of ammunition for the primary spawnweapon.
weapon2	The second spawn-weapon for the player.
weapon2_ammo	The amount of ammunition for the second spawnweapon.
weapon3	The third spawn-weapon for the player.
weapon3_ammo	The amount of ammunition for the third spawnweapon.
The method like in the code is :

(skin, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo)
For the skins you can go on :

Check that for skins , and about weapons you can check this :

Good luck

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