Needing Help at Object rotation

Hey guys I got a problem with my Object rotating script.
I wanted to make this object rotating on rotZ 360 degrees constantly but it aint working.
So im asking you if you maybe know what mistake i made in this script:


#include <a_samp>


new TurnTimer;

new obj1;

public OnFilterScriptInit()
TurnTimer = SetTimer("LT",10000,1);

obj1 = CreateObject(1697, 1412.40, 1612.52, 29.73, -30.00, 4.50, 0);
return 1;

forward LT(playerid);
public LT(playerid)
MoveObject(obj1,1412.40, 1612.52, 29.73,2.00, -30.00, 4.50, 0+359.9);
//MoveObject(objectid,X, Y, Z, SPEED , rotX , rotY , rotZ);

public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;

I get no Errors at compiling but the object itself is not even shown ingame.
So whats the problem ??

The object is located at LV Airport.

TurnTimer = SetTimer("LT",10000,0);

This isnt working for me.
Does someone else know what might be wrong ?

Why is there a 'playerid' parameter?
pawn Код:
forward LT(playerid);
public LT(playerid)
Change it to:
pawn Код:
forward LT();
public LT()
EDIT: Also, to avoid any conflict with objects, try putting all objects into your gamemode.


This function can be used to make objects rotate smoothly. In order to achieve this however, the object must also be moved.


You need to move even if it's just 0.001 in x or y or z to make it visible rotating. When you just change the rotation you can't see the object rotating unless it moves a bit.
So in the part of move object add 0.001 in x, y or z.

Solved the problem by myself
Silly me didnt setted the Timer xD

public OnFilterScriptInit()

TurnTimer = SetTimer("LT",1000,0);

What for this was you gonna see in the later existing unique server

Anyway thanks for help


EDIT: Also, to avoid any conflict with objects, try putting all objects into your gamemode.

i putted it into a filterscript firstly to get it working properly then i gonna add the working one to the gm

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