Colour saving/loading not working


Followed this FS/tut/whatever to create a command to change player's icon/text. Everything is working except the loading part. I rewrote it to dini. Here's the tut;

Here's what I use to save the variable:

pawn Код:
dini_IntSet(file, "pChat", PlayerInfo[playerid][pChat]);
dini_IntSet(file, "pNameCol", PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol]);
pChat and pNameCol getting variables like {FFFFFF}. Why doesn't it save and probably therefore not load?

That is an embed color (hex) that's how they are.
But do some debuging to see why both variables are set to the colour

Sorry, I have no idea what you're saying right now.

I believe the sa-mp colors are hex colors, they include letters aswell, letters and number characters, therefor its a string, so instead of 'IntSet' make it 'Set' so the entire would be 'Dini_Set'
It will work then probably.

Happy scripting, Happy Hanukkah and merry Christmas

Make sure your variable is a string and saved as a string.
And also you use it like shown in the tut to save the colour.
pawn Код:
Colour[playerid][pChat] = "{33CC00}";
edit they should be like this
pawn Код:
INI_WriteString(ColFile, "pName", Colour[playerid][pNameCol]);
    INI_WriteString(ColFile, "pChat", Colour[playerid][pChat]);
That's with y_ini!

Alright, now the saving works but not the loading. So for the loading not

pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol] = dini_Int(file, "pNameCol");

pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol] = dini_Get(file, "pNameCol");

I forgot how dini works as I don't use it any more but why don't you try it instead of asking

I happen to stay loyal with dracoblue's ingenius script, so uhhm.. yes I know about everything of Dini..
DaRoderick, like park4bmx said, use dini_Get, it is for retrieving string values.

On loading;

pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pChat] = dini_Get(file, "pChat");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol] = dini_Get(file, "pNameCol");
these errors

array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small

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