Offical Gamemodes of SA-MP

Is it allowed to released the scripted gamemode the same like the offical gamemodes (Like Cops N Gang) but it wasn't really created by the original person. It's scripted by others..

So is it allowed?

Kye/Kalcor always had the famous quote "code can be stolen, ideas cannot". So essentially, you are borrowing the ideas displayed on the server and not the code from it, so I do not see a reason this to be against the rules. On the other hand, Cessil replied recently to a topic saying you can't. I doubt his authority out-ways Kye's, however, unless the rule has been changed.

I don't see how they could enforce this without being unfair anyway. Lets say two people make a mode around a centralized location on the map and have the same style of mode (like breaking in) and they each contain features like ranks, achievements, unlocks, certain class types, etc. That could be a coincidence, but also a common occurring theme for that type of mode. Not to mention, they wouldn't truly know who created it first, just who put it up on a server first.

in Offical Gamemodes only River Shell and LVDM money grab is the only one that is included in the gamemode pack. However. I like to bring back the other offical gamemodes that are new scripters didn't know it.. by releasing my own made version in Gamemode Section.

I don't see how that would be a problem. Unless you litterly copy code.

Might be allowed or not we dont know

The question is.

Why they are remove in SAMP 0.3.
The official gamemode are only included in SAMP 0.1 up to SAMP 0.2x.

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