Weird bug

My server is facing a Weird bug when a player dies for 3 times his game is stucked, he is no more able to move or do anything! Whats the fix of it?

something is wrong with the spawn point. try to change spawn point and try then, i remember i had too this bugg, so i changed the spawn point cause i dont understand the scripting language

the only way to fix this bug i think is to change spawn point or

put in OnPlayerSpawn and OnPlayerDeath

TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);

so player can be controlable if my idea helped you then thanks!

Fixed on my own.

Problem was the RemoveBuilding code was getting called again and again on OnPlayerSpawn.

In-case anyone else gets the same problem move your RemoveBuilding code from OnPlayerSpawn to OnPlayerConnect.

Thank you.

Thanks to you too np

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